• Sammy helping by donating shoes to Children in Kibera SlumWe believe that the Lord our God is one: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that He is the Almighty creator of heaven and earth.
  • We believe that God has called out people from this world to help reveal Himself, His truth, His redemption, His judgment, and His Kingdom to others.
  • We believe that God made man in His own image and likeness of His glory.
  • We believe that God has given Jesus Christ, His only son, for us all.
  • We confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord, Savior, Mediator, and God. Born of the Virgin Mary, and a sinless servant full of grace and truth. He died on the cross in our place in order to redeem us from the grip, guilt, and punishment of sin. He conquered death and, rose from the dead with a glorious body and ascending to heaven to be with His Father. And soon He will return in His glory to establish His kingdom, righteousness and judgment.
  • We confess the Holy Spirit who convicts and leads sinners to receive Jesus Christ in repentance in order to receive new birth. He enables us, thus making the death of Jesus effective in our lives. He illuminates Scripture so that we can understand its truth.

The Scriptures: We believe that the Old and the New Testaments are God breathed and life, were written by authors inspired by the Holy Spirit, are fully trustworthy and authoritative in all that they affirm, and affirm our faith and life.

The Church and its Mission: We recognize the Church as the body of Christ, Jesus is the head and the first born of all congregations in which believers gather. We acknowledge the great commission of our Lord Jesus to proclaim the good news to all people, making them disciples and teaching them to obey Him.

We acknowledge the command of Jesus Christ to love one another by serving the church and society, by striving for all people to be reconciled with God and each other, by proclaiming liberty from every kind of oppression, and by proclaiming Christ’s justice in an unjust world.