The feeding mission supports children in kibera slum who come from such impoverish homes that may not get a meal day, so by providing to these innocent lives a meal a day is essential to getting the children well-being and for the understanding of the Biblical teaching. Our feeding program goes beyond food to the children, but rather adds up as a means to reach out to them. We believe if we don’t disciple our children in a godly way, the worldly influences will influence them wrongly or the culture will for sure.

Growing in an environment and hardship facing harsh family lives, experiencing difficult relationship and being in a hopeless environment. But these children will face all of that knowing Jesus cares for them and they can call on him through prayer.  Which our program has continued to build in them, and it makes a huge difference for them. The impact of being part of kid’s program is incredibly profound. 

Many of these children are able to find at least a meal through the program and where many would not be able to go to school, medical care if not for the little help we offer through few friends, when God provides.

Our feeding program does more than just feed the Children. This enables us to reach to more than 150 Kids, from ages 3 to 13 years. What draws the children to the program? They get food to eat, where they probably wouldn't get any at home or anywhere else. They get to play games and be children, also they feel safe; loved and they are also assured to be welcomed again and again. Program provide: Creative crafts, Create art, Bible teaching sessions, Storytelling, Memory verses, Games/sports, Drama /play, Poems, Songs and dances, etc. Our mentorship prepares them for life outside of school.

These kids are so hungry naturally and also hungry for the truth and we've been seeing the Lord bring kids into the saving knowledge of Christ each week! Please #pray that #God continues to use as and #bless us mightily for His name sake?

BEN’s Story – struggle for food

Our environment can dictate who we are going to be. It is sad yet very accurate. In the slums, its quite tricky. Any stranger who visits this slum would have a challenging time trying to adapt to the environment and the people around the area.

To Benson, the story is no different. His family resides in a shanty home in the middle of this slum. Despite the effort his parents make to take him to school, sometimes he has not been provided with enough to eat and attends class hungry, with an empty stomach.  Because of this, he was tempted to steal food from his classmates during break time when other kids were playing in the school field.

He would scoop half of the amount and share it with his younger brother, who is in a lower class in the same school.

“I do not love stealing,” Ben says, “but the fact that I have to fill my stomach, I just had to find a way.”Ben is not the only one with these kinds of struggles. Many children in his school undergo the same battle. The question we ask today is what we can do to help Ben and change his stealing behaviour.

That’s where YCT mission comes in to bring such children like Ben to have at least a meal a day and to learn about Gods love.

At the end of every tunnel, is a shining light. It may be small, but it can make a huge difference if you follow it. If you choose to stay where you are, then you give room to negative forces to take over your life.

3 Benefits you can give a disadvantaged child are Prayer, Monthly support and sending them encouraging emails.

In Matthew 19:14-15 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." NKJV

Matthew 25:35 “for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me.” NKJV