home fellowship

Having known that many people don’t go to church in most houses in the community and villages,  youngsters for Christ team have been able to establish home cell groups in different villages in Kibera Slum where people from that neighbourhood meet on Wednesdays and some meet on Fridays to learn from Gods word together and this is a good thing we see. Because we find them opening up and many want to know more about living for Christ Jesus and serving Him. These fellowships have helped so many of people from this home cells to start attending Church that they would find near their home or villages.

Heb 10:24; “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” NKJV

Through these events, the following has been achieved:

  • Intimate relationships with God.
  • Brotherly relationship strengthened.
  • Spiritual calling to the highest standards of integrity.
  • Bible-based relationship in the family.
  • Honor and respect for the church and place of Worship.
  • A sincere spirit of servanthood begins natured.