A Heart full of passion

This is the story of faith, compassion, perseverance through the love of God.

Kibera is a slum in Nairobi the capital city of Kenya, with a population of more than a million people 68% being below 37 years. The word ‘Kibera’ came from a Nubian word ‘Kibra’ which means “forest”. The Nubian tribe migrated from Sudan to Kenya and assisted in the fighting for Kenya’s independence in 1963. The Nubians were then the first people to settle in the forest which they called (Kibra). With no materials to build their homes they resulted to cut down some trees from the same forest to build homes. They continued settling in homes made of sacks; the trend has continued to date. This is a result of people moving from rural areas to the capital city to seek employment, and with nowhere to go majority of this job seekers ended in the same forest called Kibra. The conditions in Kibera deteriorated over time due to lack of infrastructure with the increasing growth of the community. Kibera lacks adequate toilets, proper drainage systems, clean water and medical canters.

In June 1988 Sammy Njiru gave his life to Christ and became an evangelist. Born and raised in the Kenyan slum, Sammy saw the effects of poverty all around him. As he grew up, Sammy carried a heavy heart for people in Kibera and he set out to make a difference to their lives. He found it a massive challenge to solve such poverty affecting so many people.

In 1992, Sammy gathered a few friends and prayer supporters, together they became the Youngsters for Christ Team (YCT) ministry. By 2005 YCT had grown into collaborations with 44 village church groups in the slum. YCT has been equipping and empowering youth through evangelism, discipleship teachings and trainings.

Recognizing that further services were needed to address the poverty in the area, YCT mission added the Kids Feeding Program, Girls Hygiene -sanitary pads for the girls at home and those going to school. Going to Schools and staring small Bible clubs’ program, assisting local churches in discipleship programs, helping and organizing youth camps, supporting children to attend school and even helping a few families rebuild their shanty homes. With prayer, trusting in the Lord, and support from few donors, YCT mission work will continue these services that give this generation hope for a better future.