Our Achievements

YCT as a ministry has made the following achievements over the past years:

Moral growths - Through the ministry, a good number of young people have realized their purpose in life and have fully reformed. This is witnessed as many have stopped trafficking drugs, stopped associating with   unhealthy groups and stopped committing crimes, like stealing. Our young girls have been removed from prostitution and some have gone back to school to continue with their education.

Over the years, some of the young people have been able to acquire knowledge and life skills with support of the ministry.

We now we have our own YCT centre, in the heart of Kibera slum.

We have been successful in supporting schools, colleges and local churches in raising up leaders with integrity, who have continued to impact their peers with positive minds and ideas for life.

The ministry, through the help of parents, pastors, local leaders and the entire community, has been able to reach this generation and to help the community in general to understand the lifestyle and culture of young people.

A majority of the youth have become more responsible citizens, both in their families and within their communities.

With the help of friends supporting our mission, we have been able to open a small library of books, for use by the ministry and community at large.

even working alongside to encourage the village pastors through trainings in evangelism and Discipleship …….   also, with the support of getting some tools in their hands, e.g. (Bibles and other teaching materials).